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who we are

Our vision since day one has always been:

making people and places new

This is not a one time process.  God is constantly making us new. So we are pursuing healthy transformation in our personal lives, families and communities.  Because of what Christ is doing in our lives we believe the places around us should be made new.  We are reshaping and transforming the communities around us.  
Anchor 1

our declarations

scripture shapes our lives

God's word is key in all we do.  It forms our decisions and how we live our lives.

1 Timothy 3:16

we own our spiritual growth

Spiritually we need to know where we are, where we are going and what are personal practices we need to get to the next level.

Hebrews 6:1

we change the world

God has given us power to change the world around us.  We serve those in need both in our local community and around the world. 

Acts 1:8

we invest in the next generation

We are passionate about leaving a legacy and building up those that are coming after us.  

Psalms 145:4

joy is seen in who we are

Joy is not a moment in our life, but fills our homes, schools, workplaces and everywhere we go.  God has given us joy so we spread it around.

Proverbs 10:28

we live life together

We were never meant to live this Christian life alone

Hebrews 10:25

we move forward

We give, serve and support the vision that God has given our church.  We don't want to settle in or get comfortable. We want to keep growing and reaching more people.

Acts 2:42-47

our beliefs




The Bible is the inspired word of God

The scriptures are 66 books that God inspired individuals to write. we  believer they are inspired by God and have authority in our lives.  They shape how we live.  

One True God in the Trinity

We believe in one God that has revealed Himself in the Trinity. God is eternal, all powerful, all present, and all knowing.  

Salvation by Grace

We are a fallen humans.  Our sin separates us from God.  We can't fix ourselves.  God through Jesus' death on the cross made a way for us to be saved.  It is all His grace.

A Spirit Filled Life

God has given the gift of His Spirit to lead and empower us as believes.  We believe that God's Spirit is still working today in our lives and that He still does supernatural acts here on the Earth.

The Mission of the Church

The church is God plan and method to bring the message and hope of the gosepel to the world.  We are called to serve one another and serve those in need.

The Return of Christ

We believe that Jesus will one day return to make all things new.  We don't know when this is but God does.  We will restore all things unto Himself and we shall live with God forever.

We are a part of a fellowship of Churches called the Assemblies of God.  It is a Spirit filled movement.  This provides accountability in our church practices and our beliefs.  


To read more about our beliefs click below:

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