We are so excited that you are taking the step to grow and be discipled. Jesus poured His life into those in close relationship with Him. We want to model His life. He invited people into close relationship with Him and was willing to have challenging conversations that lead to spiritual growth.
As God changes your life, we want to encourage you to join us in Jesus' last challenge to make disciples of all nations.
We are praying for you as you grow.
Throughout Scripture Jesus gives us examples of how He prayed and spent time in solitude. These practices remind us that God sees us and reigns over our lives. This connection with God through daily prayer and intentional times of solitude are vital to our spiritual health.
Key Terms
Silence & Solitude
“Alone time” with God can allow God to examine us. It can be a time of knowing God more deeply, a time of strengthen- ing, a time of refreshment, a time of sharing our deepest concerns with God, and a time of simply being with the One who formed us and loves us beyond our understanding.
Listening to God
This is where we quiet our hearts to try to listen to God's voice. We don't hear God speak to us audible. However we can hear the prompting and guiding of His Spirit in our heart.
Jesus example of Prayer and Solitude
Online Article
RightNow Media video (57 mins)
Podcast Silence and Solitude
Pete Scazzero (51 mins)
Discussion Questions
Why is soliatary prayer important to you?
Do you feel it’s easy or difficult to accept God’s free grace? Why do you think?
Jesus set an example for His disciples by praying in solitude on multiple occa- sions. Do you have a place where you can pray and spend time with God in soli- tude?
What are some things you can do to clear your mind before your time with God?
Challenge each other to commit to a time and a place to pray in solitude daily then check back to discuss how this has changed their relationship with God.
With shifting culture and viewpoints, we need Scripture to keep us grounded. It’s our foundation when we need steady ground, wisdom, and correction. Whether is a daily verse or extended times of study, we each need to be engaging with Scripture every day.
Key Terms
Word of God
Jesus is referred to as the living Word of God. It is more than just his message, He embodied the word of God.
Bible Study
More than just reading the scriptures this is the process of studying the context, and culture of the original scriptures to better understand the meaning of the scripture.
This is more than just reading the words on the page. This is the process of taking what you have read and asking
the question of how you apply this to your life.
YouVersion Bible app
Smartphone app
Read Scripture app
Smartphone app
Basics of Studying the Bible
Online Video (8 mins)
Bible Project
Discussion Questions
Scripture gives us insight and instruction for our daily lives. It also provides a unique perspective into what’s happening in the world around us. How might someone’s view of the world differ without God’s word to guide them?
Why do you think Hebrews 4:12 describes God’s word as “alive and active”?
Which one of the verses on scripture resonates with you the most? Why?
Do you have a daily reading plan? Start a daily reading plan with your disciple and discuss what the verses mean to each of you.
Discuss your season of life with each other. Find scriptures that apply to both of you and challenge each other to memorize and trade insight on the verses.
We have been given so much as followers of Christ. When we practice generosity it reflects the character of our heavenly father who gives generously to us. Our generosity should start with tithing to the local church which we belong to. This act of giving reminds us all we have come from God. However, it doesn't stop there. In every area of our life we are called to be generous.
Key Terms
God’s word makes it clear that we are to give Him the first and best of what we receive. Everything we have has been provided by Him. Not only to give our tithes to our church, we are told to give cheerfully and generously to others..
Our tithe is what God requires we give first while our offering is anything we give beyond that.
Obeying God by giving Him the first 10% of our income.
Tithing to the Church
(Online Article)
Surrender Stuff
(20 mins)
The Blessed Life
(32 mins)
The Blessed Life
Discussion Questions
How does giving God our firstfruits affect our view of money?
Malachi tells us Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it. Can you think of an instance when you were blessed after giving?
Is the act of giving cheerfully and generously to others only financial?
Have you ever been blessed by someone else giving generously to you whether it be financially or by some other means?
Gathering together as the church is a vital part of our spiritual growth. We gather to worship, hear God’s word and encourage each other. Being a part of the gathering isn’t just for you to receive something from God. Your faith, worship and words may encourage someone else. It is about what you can give and challenge others.
Key Terms
The Church is the body of Christ. It isn't a building or a service time but the gathering of believers to connect and encourage each other in Christ.
The act of singing and declaring the goodness of God. This isn't just those on stage but everyone joining together to sing and proclaim how great God is.
As the church gathers today, the pastor shares a message from scripture to
encourage the church to reflect Jesus more or challenge the church to grow spiritually.
Importance of meeting together
Online Article
Relationships in the Church
Online Video (5 mins)
We are the Church
Online Video (32 mins)
Discussion Questions
Why do you think God places such an emphasis on meeting together? How do you feel when you are engaged with the church in corporate worship?
We’ve discussed the fact the we are the church and that it’s not a building. Why then do you think it’s important for us to come together as the Body?
Challenge your disciples to make regular corporate worship a priority. It is vital to our spiritual health and growth.
We believe that God has placed gifts in each of our lives. We are called to use those to encourage others in the body of Christ as well as use them to meet the needs of others around us. You are uniquely gifted. We don’t want to hide or waste the gifts God has given us. We want to use them to build others up. Whether it is in the church or in the communi- ty, we want to use what God has given us to impact others.
Key Terms
Jesus provides the ultimate example of what our faith should look like. He spent most of his ministry serving others. He performed miracles, comforted others, and told us to love our neighbor as ourselves. We have been given gifts from our Father to honor Him and to serve as productive, not passive, parts of the Body.
Is not just a lack of resource. Poverty is more accurately broken relationship (with God and others). It is when we don't see the value we have in ourselves, or the value we bring to the community around us.
Who lives that way?
Online Video (8 mins)
When Helping Hurts
What the Bible says about those in need
Online Article
Discussion Questions
Romans 12:3-8 Tells us “not to think of yourself more highly than you ought” What does this mean to you and how does it apply to serving?
What are some practical ways that you can serve those around you each day whether it be at work, home, or in public?
What are examples you have seen where helping can hurt?
Seeking out additional times of worship and teaching is vital to our spiritual growth. Whether it is a podcast, bible study with friends, or a book we read about spiritual growth we need more than just Sunday mornings with our church to grow. This is part of us owning our spiritual growth.
Key Terms
Owning our Spiritual Growth
As part of the Body we seek God and medi- tate on His word throughout our day. Our faith isn’t compartmentalized on Sunday morning but is instead evident in every aspect of our lives. An intimate relationship with God not only protects us from many snares in life, but also emboldens us to share our faith with those around us.
We honor God through our worship. When we think of worship we may think of singing hymns and praises but the bible tells us that worship is more than this. Worship can be glorifying God through our work or through our God given gifts.
A Biblical definition of Worship
Online Article
Books of the Bible
RightNow Media online study
Discussion Questions
What are some examples of teaching and worship outside of Sunday service?
Have you ever joined or hosted a study with others? What was the experience like and how did your relationships grow?
Do you have a favorite book or podcast that encourages or teaches you about God’s word?
What are some advantages to meetings outside of corporate service?
What do you think John 4:24 means by “worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth”?