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my next steps

We are continually being made NEW.


Growing in our relationship with Jesus means becoming more like Him - thinking, behaving, and loving like He does. The NCC Next Steps are practical spiritual practices, designed to help each of us grow in relationship with Christ.


To find your Top 5 Next Steps, begin by finding the statement below that best describes your faith.

Are you Exploring Christ?


This stage is all about basics. Developing a firm foundation of spiritual beliefs and attitudes is critical during this trust-building phase. The impact of church activities on spiritual growth is most significant in this movement

Exploring Christ

I believe in God but am unsure about Jesus and his

role in my life

Are you Close to Christ?


In this movement believers replace

self-centeredness with Christlike

self-sacrifice. They pour out their increasing love for Jesus through spiritual outreach activities, especially evangelism. It’s all about movement of the heart.

Close to Christ

I depend on Christ every day.  On a daily basis, I turn to him for help and guidance for the issues I face.  

Are you Growing in Christ?


In this movement people decide that their relationship with Jesus is personal to them. It hinges on developing a routine of personal spiritual practices that make space and time for developing intimacy with Christ.

Growing in Christ

I believe in Jesus and am working on what it means to develop a relationship with Him.

Are you Close to Christ?


Believers in this segment continually look for opportunities to give their lives away. Every day is a new opportunity to surrender all they have to God and pursue Him whole heartedly.


My relationship with Jesus is the most important thing in my life and guides everything I do.

top 5 next steps



Exploring Christ


Core Beliefs


Salvation by Grace:
I believe nothing I do or have done can earn my salvation. (Ephesians 2:8-9)
The Trinity:
I believe the God of the bible is the one true God - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. (2 Corinthians 13:14)


Your Top 5 Next Steps


1. Serve on an NCC Team 1-2 times per month
2. Pray regularly to ask Jesus to guide you
3. Read and reflect on Scripture regularly
4. Attend 3-4 weekend services per month
5. Talk to a friend about spiritual things at least once per month



[For more, pick up an NCC Next Steps Guide]



Exploring Christ

Growing in Christ


Core Beliefs


Personal God:
I believe God is actively involved in my life. (Psalm 121)
Authority in the Bible: 
I believe the Bible has decisive authority over what I say and do. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)


Your Top 5 Next Steps


1. Pray daily to ask Jesus to guide you
2. Read and reflect on Scripture daily
3. Engage in spiritual conversations with non-Christians at least once per month
4. Give 10% of your monthly income to the church (tithe)
5. Serve on an NCC Team 2-3 times per month



[For more, pick up an NCC Next Steps Guide]



Growing In Christ

Close to Christ


Core Beliefs


Giving Away My Life:
I am willing to risk everything that is important in my life for Jesus Christ. (Romans 12:1-2)
Christ is First:
I desire Jesus to be first in my life. (Matthew 6:33)
Identity in Christ:
I exist to know, love and serve God. (John 1:12-13)
Authority of the Bible: 
I believe the Bible has decisive authority over what I say and do. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)



Your Top 5 Next Steps


1. Read and reflect on Scripture daily
2. Serve those in need through NCC Community Partners
3. Attend additional worship services and spiritual teachings
4. Give 10% of your monthly income to the church (tithe)
5. Spend alone time with God regularly (solitude)



[For more, pick up an NCC Next Steps Guide]



Close to Christ



Core Beliefs


Giving Away My Life: 
I am willing to risk everything that is important in my life for Jesus Christ. (Romans 12:1-2)
Christ is First:
I desire Jesus to be first in my life. (Matthew 6:33)
Identity in Christ: 
I exist to know, love and serve God. (John 1:12-13)
Authority of the Bible: 
I believe the Bible has decisive authority over what I say and do. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)



Your Top 5 Next Steps


1. Read and reflect on Scripture
2. Serve those in need through NCC Community Partners
3. Attend additional worship services and spiritual teachings
4. Spend alone time with God regularly (solitude)
5. Pray to confess sin and seek guidance from God




[For more, pick up an NCC Next Steps Guide]



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